
See the king who ordered men to “Marry 5Wives or Risk going to Jail”



Swaziland’s government has ordered men to marry five women or face jail time.King Mswati III, the King of Swaziland, has declared that men must marry at least five women or face jail time.

According to media accounts, the King issued a statement encouraging all men in the country to marry at least five women, promising that the government would pay for the weddings and buy them homes.

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“Here’s the deal: if you marry at least five women, the government will pay for their weddings and buy them houses.”Any man or woman who rejects the decision “shall receive a life sentence,” according to King Mswati.

The order is to ensure every woman gets a husband as it is believed that men taking more wives will help women get husbands.

The monarch highlighted that Swaziland has more women than men, which he described as a major concern for a country known for its virgins.

According to reports, the decision was made due to an increase in the number of virgins and a lack of men in the country. King Mswati has 15 women and 25 children, compared to his father’s and predecessor’s 70 wives and 150 children.



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