
Afghanistian Taliban; Protest Rocks Parts of Kabul, People Die.



Following the Afghanistan Taliban take over of Kabul, Reports say Hundreds of people came out on the streets on Thursday to protest the Take over of Afghanistan by the Talibans.

People were said to have protested carrying the Afghanistan flag.

According to witnesses, at least two individuals were killed on Thursday when the Taliban opened fire on a crowd in Asadabad, Kunar’s eastern province.
It was unclear whether the casualties were the consequence of Taliban fire or a rush.

Several people were killed and injured as a result of the Taliban’s stampede and firing.

Afghanistian War; Talibans Declares Amnesty.

Reuters reported that “Hundreds of people came out on the streets,”

Sources say people protested and chanted “Our flag, our identity,” and waved red and green national flags in Kabul.

Marchers chanted “God is greatest”. At some protests elsewhere, media reported people tearing down the white flag of the Taliban.

Protests erupted in the eastern city of Jalalabad and a portion of Paktia province.

According to witnesses and media reports, Taliban gunmen opened fire on protestors carrying flags in Jalalabad on Wednesday, killing three.

Afghanistian Taliban; Talibans Urge Imams to Preach Peace.

Following the protest rocking parts of Kabul, Talibans have urged imams to preach Peace.

The Taliban urged unity and urged all imams in Kabul and the provinces to implore people not to flee the nation.

See also Afghanistian War; Reno Warns Nigeria to Learn from Afghanistan.

Since conquering Kabul on Sunday, the Taliban has taken a more moderate stance, declaring that it seeks peace, would not seek vengeance against old foes, and will protect women’s rights within the context of Islamic law.

The Taliban severely curtailed women’s rights, held public executions, and destroyed up old Buddhist statues during its previous regime, which lasted from 1996 to 2001.

Afghanistian Taliban; Shots Fired at the Airport as Multitudes Attempt to Escape, Footballer Dies.

Kabul has remained relatively calm, but 12 people have been murdered in and near the airport amid chaotic circumstances, according to NATO and Taliban officials.

According to the Taliban spokesman, the deaths were caused by bullets or stampedes.

A tiny girl was hoisted over the airport’s high outer wall and handed to a US soldier in one instance filmed on social media, demonstrating the desperation of those attempting to flee.

According to Afghanistan’s Ariana News, an Afghan national team footballer died in a fall from a US plane at Kabul airport on Monday, when hundreds of people were observed attempting to board a moving aircraft.

Taliban Fighters as they dispersed Protester.

According to Bellis, the Taliban has closed the airport road, put up checkpoints, and fired into the air in an attempt to push civilians back.

“They’ve now enlarged the perimeter [around the airport]; hopefully, they’ll be able to get this situation under control,” Bellis said.

“When I speak with the Taliban, they say, ‘Why is it up to us to control the airport and manage all these evacuees when this is a US project, and they should be communicating better themselves to ensure that people understand if they are entitled to get on these flights and if they are not?’”

Afghanistian Taliban; US rescue Afghan National officer Who Worked With Them

Mohammad Khalid Wardak, a high-profile Afghan national police officer who had spent years serving alongside the American forces, was running out of time.

He was being pursued by the Taliban and was hiding with his family in Kabul, continually shifting from one location to the next as they tried – and failed – multiple times to reach a rendezvous spot where they could be recused.

AP News reports that the family was finally whisked away by helicopter Wednesday in a dramatic rescue dubbed Operation Promise Kept and carried out under cover of darkness by the US military and its allies.



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